
Whilst trying to break out of the depressive mood I am fighting, I’ve tried to stay creative, by working on my Imperial Agents list. I’ve played and collected Warhammer 40k for 30 years, since 2nd edition. I’ve always wanted a complete list of Imperial agents from the old Black Codex. I’m getting closer to having that. It’s keeping me moving, until I can draw, again.

I’m having fun, but missing my comics, so I’m hoping it’ll be back, soon.

Additions to My Squats

My birthday was 2 weeks ago and I got some models as gifts, so I was distracted to build the backlog of models for my Squat armies. I found some very cool proxies from Bulldog and Meng. I have another Meng Tank I aim to convert into a Squat Battle tank on it’s way. The Bulldog robots, surprisingly ended up being the same size as the Ambots. Bot are the perfect size for Squat sized robots for my Guild Master.

Now that I have this out of my system, I can get back to some drawing.

Squat HQs

Here are some better photos of my HQs for Rugnar’s Raiders. I use Inquisitorial retinue, leading Imperial Guard squat commandoes and Squat Deathwatch marines.

Squat HQ Miniatures

While my creativity has been stifled and rendered me unable to draw much, I’ve been trying to distract myself and been working on my squat army, repainting and touching up older minis.

Here are my HQs for the army. We have Kris Kringle in the gold exo armor, Rugnar the Grimm in the purple exo. Duncan Borll is the fellow with the powerfist. I have a few figs coming, where we’ll see Sheila from the comic as a Commisar with thunder hammers and a male & female pair of Crusaders.

I run my squats in 3 detachments, Imperi Guard, Deathwatch and Inquisitorial.

I borrow heavily from my comics for characters for the army.

And here are the rest of my boys, that need worked on.

And their rides.

Once I get them all painted up, I’ll do a proper photo session for them.

Scratch building a Rhino

Modeling has been consuming my brain, as of late. I WILL get back to drawing (I penciled a M&G page last night), but I am having fun with this, again.

And I can’t just buy a tank kit and build it, I need to build it from scratch with cardboard, because, reasons. Well, the reasons are it’s more challenging, more fun (to me) and costs next to nothing.

I’ve found some templates online and have fankensteined them together, with glue and spare bits. I’m quite happy with the process. I was able to print on chipboard as a guide, but all that will get painted over.

I aim to make a few of these to act as rhinos for my inquisition, whirlwind for my Spacemarines and chimera proxies for my Imperial Guard (part because I love the rhino chassis and part because I hate the chimera chassis & because rhinos are infinitely easier to build than chimera).

I have some weapons rigs worked up that I can swap out. Keeping weapons choices similar to chimera, the characteristics and stats are virtually the same rules wise in 8th edition. My core of Imperial Guards is RT era figures, and they ride in rhinos back then, so it fits!

As I whip up a few more,I’ll try and take more progress picks as I go and update here with them.

These are fun.

Nobody expects the Inquisition!

My Inquisition and Gray Knights forces!

Sisters of Battle Banner


This is a banner drawing I did for my Sisters of Battle army, the Order of Saint Maynard. That is Brother Maynard from the story Maynard and Grimm, fighting a naughty, naughty Daemonette. I always had such fun with the artsy side of the Warhammer 40k hobby!

Magnus, Imperial Frogz Chapter master

Magnus ver Magnussen, the leader of my Space Marine chapter, the Imperial Frogz. I named him after the World’s Strongest man!