Sisters of Battle Banner


This is a banner drawing I did for my Sisters of Battle army, the Order of Saint Maynard. That is Brother Maynard from the story Maynard and Grimm, fighting a naughty, naughty Daemonette. I always had such fun with the artsy side of the Warhammer 40k hobby!

Phineus CCG

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Phineus-CCG-FrontI am developing a Collectible Card game, based on my characters and world, using the open-source RPG rules of D20, the world’s most popular game. This is a prototype of our boy. I’ll post new cards occasionally. This should be fun!


edit: I’ve buffed Phin’s stats a bit, so he’s not so fragile!

Cthulhu D20 Character Generator

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I found this at It’s a cool, D20 program to generate a character for D20 “Call of Cthulhu” games, complete with sanity points! Cool stuff, check it out!

Pesky Humans!

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This looks like fun, a pdf downloadable board games from the same mind that brought us the comic Pewfell.
Looks like fun, cool pieces and artwork. I might just take a looksie!

Check it out here.

Magnus, Imperial Frogz Chapter master

Magnus ver Magnussen, the leader of my Space Marine chapter, the Imperial Frogz. I named him after the World’s Strongest man!