The Order of St Maynard (SOB)

My sisters are the first army I have ever finished painting, completely. I took some better lit photos with a better camera and here are the new pics!

The Order of St. Maynard Sisters of Battle

My Sisters of Battle army, maned after Brother (Saint) Maynard. Around 2500 Points.

Sisters of Battle Banner


This is a banner drawing I did for my Sisters of Battle army, the Order of Saint Maynard. That is Brother Maynard from the story Maynard and Grimm, fighting a naughty, naughty Daemonette. I always had such fun with the artsy side of the Warhammer 40k hobby!

40K Comic

This is very cool, especially if you really dig Warhammer 40k.
There are a couple comic here to look at. I like the “color by accent” style, it’s very effective!