Squats & more Squats

Some older pics of my squats. One of these days, when I get them all painted, I’ll do a proper photo shoot. Until then, here goes.

Additions to My Squats

My birthday was 2 weeks ago and I got some models as gifts, so I was distracted to build the backlog of models for my Squat armies. I found some very cool proxies from Bulldog and Meng. I have another Meng Tank I aim to convert into a Squat Battle tank on it’s way. The Bulldog robots, surprisingly ended up being the same size as the Ambots. Bot are the perfect size for Squat sized robots for my Guild Master.

Now that I have this out of my system, I can get back to some drawing.

Squat HQs

Here are some better photos of my HQs for Rugnar’s Raiders. I use Inquisitorial retinue, leading Imperial Guard squat commandoes and Squat Deathwatch marines.

Squat HQ Miniatures

While my creativity has been stifled and rendered me unable to draw much, I’ve been trying to distract myself and been working on my squat army, repainting and touching up older minis.

Here are my HQs for the army. We have Kris Kringle in the gold exo armor, Rugnar the Grimm in the purple exo. Duncan Borll is the fellow with the powerfist. I have a few figs coming, where we’ll see Sheila from the comic as a Commisar with thunder hammers and a male & female pair of Crusaders.

I run my squats in 3 detachments, Imperi Guard, Deathwatch and Inquisitorial.

I borrow heavily from my comics for characters for the army.

And here are the rest of my boys, that need worked on.

And their rides.

Once I get them all painted up, I’ll do a proper photo session for them.

Painting progress

Newly painted Squat Landraider, Squat Arvus Lighter & Squat Lancer Knight.

Building a better Landraider

Step by step scratch build of my new Squat Landraider. This will be for Kris Kringle and his acolyte retinue.

I built the bones of this out of chipboard, using a template I found online. My first Squat Landraider was made from a pattern I made myself, which I since lost.

I printed the template onto letter sized pieces of chipboard on one of the big printers at work. I cut it apart with utility knives and scissors and glued most of the pieces together using white glue, holding it together for drying with rubber bands.

i also used odd bits and bobs from random kits in my bits box. I crafter the twin las cannons from plastic tubing I got from my hobby shop, combined with parts from a GW Landraider.

I also sketched out and decoupaged a Dwarven face on the fron hull.

I have armed the tank with a very old multi meltas and a hunter killer missle.

I Need to find some time to toss some paint on this. It’ll be gold and reds, fitting for Kris Kringle! Remember my squat army is fashioned after Kris Kringle and Rugnar and all the North Pole dwarves from the comic.

More to come, soon.


Edit: Finished Landraider


Rugnar’s Raiders Squat Army (Counts as Grey Knights with Imperial Guard)

Squat Landraider Close up

My completely scratch-built Old style Land Raider. Based on the Old Rogue Trader version that I’ve never been able to get a model for. I am really proud of how this one turned out.

My Squat Warlord, Rugnar the Grim

 My Exo armored Warlord Rugnar the Grim.

Squat Bikes

I created these from a very deep Bitz box.
My inspiration was the bike Vaughn Bode’s Cobalt 60 rode in the old 60’s comics.
You can see the bikes in action in my comic here.

Warhammer 40,000 Banners

Some banners I did for my different armies. Done with markers.

Squat Transports

These are the leaders of my army, Rugnar the Grimm, whom you may remember from here, as the Warlord and Living Ancestor Kris Kringle, from here. Rugnar’s is actually in “Against the Giants”, too!

The more war-like nature of the dwarves will show up in a later story line!

Squat Landrader

  So, the Squats are a discontinued race from 40K, sort of space dwarves. I ALWAYS play dwarves in any game I try, any version of them, so I HADto play the Squats. That said, there are no longer any rules to cover them, so you have to substitute with other army lists. I use Daemon-hunters with Imperial Guard allies.

I chose a land raider to build because in the fluff, the Squats are the engineers of a lot of Imperial tech.

The Squats are the modern take I had for Kris Kringle and his dwarves, and in turn, I fashioned my army after the Dwarves in my comic. Neat how that works out.

Warhammer 4ok and Squats are © Games Workshop.