Promptober is complete!

20221026_205847I got them all done, and a bit early! Here were the prompts…



These were done as a part of DJ Coffman’s Draw or Die Club’s Promptober challenge. I got a late start due to hand issues, but worked ahead and got finished up a little early! It was great fun0 and loosened up my hand and thumb to draw! I’m currently back at comic pages and hope to have a new one up next week!

Promptober Cards at the half.

At the half way point of the month, here are all the daily cards I have done so far. I’ve never completed one of the challenges, before. As you can see I have more that 16 done. This has been fun and getting me ready for my con on the 29th, and ready for more pages.

Sketch cards for Promptober

I’m conditioning the drawing thumb by doing sketch cards for Draw or Die’s Promptober. They’re fun, they’re getting me ready for the con in 2 weeks and it’s loosening up my hand. Sorry for the lack of pages.