Drawing Every Damn Day

Drawing every day isn’t always easy. Seems easy. Just draw. Stuff can get in the way. You’re tired. You’re busy. You’re sick. I get it.

I used to draw every day. For years. Decades, even. There a few years, back in the early 10s where I almost did 200 pages a year. I slowed down, as stuff happened.

My daughter was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease and we spent a lot of time in Children’s Hospital for a good 6 years. Still, I drew, if not every day, most days.

Then, the Car accident happened and I lost a lot of mobility and strength in both hands, most in my drawing hand. Months of physical therapy and I taught my hand to draw again. Since then, I’ve had fits and starts. I deal with pain and arthritis from the injury, and PTSD from the roll-over crash.

But, ironically, the best medicine, for my mental health is drawing. Without art, I become depressed, anxious and miserable. So, I fight through it. I fight through the pain, the doubt, the self loathing, the fear and the desperation, because I know art is my salvation.

I usually, these days, draw digitally. I miss the tactile feel of pen and pencil on paper, so I’m doing a lot more sketching and doing stories on paper to mix it up. Drawing is drawing.

Draw or die is a very real thing. Researchers discovered that people who engaged in artistic activities, such as painting, drawing and sculpting, in both middle and old age were 73% less likely to have memory and thinking problems, such as mild cognitive Impairment, that lead to dementia.

Right now I am in a stretch of about a month and a half of drawing every day. It feels so good!

I know I’ll go through bouts of doubt and art block. I’ll fight through it and draw.

Step By Step of a Kali Saga Page

Here’s some pics of an older page, as I drew them back in 2013. I don’t think I ever shared them. I sometime miss doing pages on paper with ink. That’s why I’m doing just that on the new bonus story. “The Lake Erie Horror”, available to Patrons on my Patreon page.

If I dig up any more shots like this, I’ll post them. A new “Barcrawl” page will be up very soon, as well.

New schedule!

So, the new schedule for the foreseeable future will be as follows:

Screenshot_20220319-180712_PatreonNew free comics go live every Monday around midnight. These comics are posted, along with progress shots, on my Patreon $1 tier, weeks in advance. The current storyline has 2 chapters to conclude, before “Barcrawl of the Damned” & “Boy Wizard” resume.


New Bonus stories are about to resume. These Appear on my Patreon $2 tier as I complete steps. When the full page is finished, it will be published here for Patrons to read, as well.

Hope this all makes sense. Please considering becoming a Patron, or as little as $1-$2 a month. It really means a lot to me, and you get all kinds of expanded or exclusive content. It’s a win-win.

Sara 2D Figure


Here’s the game piece for Sara. I have ones for Rugnar and Maynard done already. Need to do up Ben and maybe Duncan. These will be usable in the RPG/ Tabletop game I’m developing.


I’ve been largely writing my comics on the fly for the last couple years, but all the comics I’m doing are giving me issues keeping it all straight in my head. So, back to my thumbnail book!
Now, I don’t write like normal people do, I draw out the panels and jot down text and dialog. I’ve always said I only write because I need something to draw.
I have a renewed fire to do more comics, so if I fall behind on any one story, don’t worry, it’s because I am doing another one.
Always keep up to date on the newest pages by following my comic feed to the right. Or follow the piffle comic feed at @PiffleU on Twitter.