Backwaters of Mysticism review from 1997

Just stumbled on this relic from days gone by. That time Combo Magazine reviewed our Role-Playing Game… favorably. Fun stuff!

The 2nd edition, Phineus Roleplaying Game is available for sale on Amazon!

Buy one here: Phineus: The Role Playing Game: Backwaters of Mysticism (Phineus + Magician for Hire)

Phineus RPG character sheets

Here are my actual character sheets of the comics heroes, that I actually played in game. Rugnar was actually a character in a fantasy world campaign.

I have a whole tabletop RPG, but I’d like to develop a miniature based tabletop game along the lines of a Talisman or Space Weirdos. I’ll continue to fiddle and test things out at a gaming weekend I have coming up this summer.

Phineus Beam

Sara Beam

Rugnar Grimm

Brother Maynard

Father Ben Billings

Phineus RPG Character Sheet

I’ve been meaning to work on the Phineus Sourcebook for our Role playing game. Here’s the first thing. Phineus’ character sheet. This is present day Phineus, not Cole era Phineus, so he’s not quite as buff.

The Phineus RPG can be bought on Amazon.